We welcome all the new parishioners who have recently joined this parish. As you know, every Catholic family must be registered in a parish of their choosing. The parish then assumes responsibility for that family in the administration of the Sacraments and the pastor becomes “their” priest. That is why we have to actually register before we can be classified as a member. We have these registration forms available in the church porch. Please complete one and then hand it into the Parish Office, place it in the collection basket, or give it to Father Brian McMaster, our Pastor.
Year Founded: 1986
Approximate number of families: 1,500 +
Assigned to the Diocese of Austin
The old Parish Hall was the original Church.
Currently our Campus consists of the Church, the Adoration Chapel, Religious Education Building (CCD), the Parish Center, Parish Hall, our Faith Formation Center and the Carlos Acutis Youth Formation Building.
For those of you who are new to St. Paul Chong Hasang and those who attend our weekday Masses, we invite you to join us for coffee and fellowship in the old Parish Hall after the 9:00 am Mass on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (unless the Hall has been reserved for another activity). Please come by, meet some of your fellow parishioners, and make new friends. We welcome you!
As members of the Laity of the Church, WE ARE ALL asked to consider and reflect on our contribution of Time, Talent and Treasure. The activities and programs in the Parish don't just happen...it takes VOLUNTEERS.
There are over forty (40) ministries and/or organizations that provide assistance to our Pastor and Associate Pastor in administering to the needs of our parishioners, as well as the support of others in our community and beyond - a prime example of which is the Tucker Mission in Cambodia that cares for children that have contracted Aids through no fault of their own.
You are encouraged to browse the "Get Involved" page on this site which lists the ministries and organizations (including some of the external community service/charitable organizations) and their points of contact. Hopefully, you will find something that interests you, or you may get an idea for a new ministry that you can discuss with our Pastor.
The Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) policies of the Austin Diocese were established in 2002 to help educate Catholics on how to help prevent sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults. ALL Parish employees and volunteers who minister to youth or vulnerable adults (this has been interpreted to mean ANY ministry/organization in this Parish) are required to complete an Application for Ministry, which permits the diocese to run a criminal background check.
In addition, all new applicants are required to attend an EIM workshop for adults within 60 days of their EIM application submission. Every three years thereafter, employees and volunteers must attend an EIM refresher course. For questions or assistance in registering for a workshop, contact the Parish EIM Coordinator (Donna Perry / 254-526-0202).
The reporting requirement of the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) Policies of the Diocese of Austin (5th Ed., 2011) states:
"In accordance with Texas law, any citizen who has cause to believe a minor or vulnerable adult is being, or may have been, abused, is required to report his or her suspicions to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) or local civil authorities (Police). To report child or elder abuse, TDFPS maintains a 24-hour abuse hotline at 1-800-252-5400; or a report may be made on their website at www.dfps.state.tx.us . This reporting requirement is the same for allegations against Church personnel and/or a parent or caregiver. Once reported to civil authorities, suspected or known abuse of a minor or vulnerable person that may involve Church personnel, and/or other suspected or observed violations of the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry Policies of the Diocese of Austin, shall be reported immediately to any of the following persons: their immediate supervisor; the pastor of the parish or principal of the school; a designated representative of the Diocese (e.g. the diocesan coordinator of pastoral care at 512-949-2400); or one may submit an anonymous, specific and verifiable letter to the Vicar General or Bishop of Austin." (Excerpt from "We are called to protect...and to report," by Emily Hurlimann, Catholic Spirit, Vol. 30, No. 1, January 2012, p. 22.)
"O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Savior of the world and source of all holiness, we ask You to implant in the hearts of young men and women in this parish, a call to serve You as priests or religious, either for the Diocese or for Missionary work. Give them the guidance and courage to answer Your call, so that they may give themselves completely in Your service, without reservation. This we ask through Christ, Our Lord. Amen."
...needs volunteers to bring dishes/baked goods for Funeral Receptions. Please contact Norma Thompson (254.423.9011) if you would like to help.
A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Church Foyer. People dedicate Altar flowers to the memory of a loved one, or to mark a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary or Feast Day. (No flowers during Advent.)
Please sign-up and make sure you include your name, phone number, and the person or occasion for the flowers.
This vendor manages the Altar Flowers for our Parish. Please contact Virgie or Kat at 254-680-2667, (or www.flowerswithamor.com) the week before your chosen weekend, to make arrangements. Thank you for your support.
If you know of a Catholic who is home-bound and would like to receive Communion, please contact Norma Thompson at 423-9011, to make arrangements.
Please consider scheduling one hour to spend with our Precious Lord. Our 24/7 Adoration Chapel is badly in need of adorers. Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament is a wonderful spiritual exercise that refreshes the soul and brings great graces to those who adore in the presence of our Savior. For our new parishioners, the Adoration Chapel is located between the Rectory (Fr. Brian's house) and the Old Parish Hall. Please stop by and discover the beauty of this spiritual practice.
If you are moving, changing address and/or phone numbers, please contact the Parish Office at 698-4110 so that we can keep all our records up to date and ensure that you have relevant paperwork (Religious Education records for the children, etc.) to take with you. Thank you for your presence and support.