We welcome you and your child to our CCD program! On this page:
I. Purpose/Administration of Religious Formation Program
I. The purpose of Religious Formation for Children is to assist the parents in the religious upbringing of their children, always recognizing that parents are the primary educators of their children on the path of faith. Parents undertake this obligation when they ask for their children to be baptized.
The religious instructors of the children undertake to teach the children Catholic Doctrine as prescribed by the official Magisterium of the Church and handed down through the Bishop of the Diocese of Austin. This Doctrine will always be in accord with Revelation, both in Tradition and Scripture.
To ensure that this Doctrine is faithfully adhered to, we ensure that the teachers are informed, practicing Catholics who have a deep personal prayer life and love for the children that they teach. The Director of Religious Education and the Pastor of the Parish will monitor this education. The parents/guardians of the children, on their part, undertake to ensure that the teaching their children receive is supported by their practice of the Catholic faith in its moral and doctrinal teachings. This presupposes that the children are attending Sunday Mass each week, are regularly attending Confession and receiving Holy Communion, and are leading a prayerful life according to their age. So that this cooperation between parents and teachers is successful, the following rules will apply:
1) Only registered students and teachers may enter the rooms and corridors of the Religious Education Center. Parents assisting in classes, meeting with a teacher, etc., will report to the Center Office and sign-in prior to entering the halls or classrooms. Each person will sign-out upon leaving.
2) Children should arrive on time for class. Those who arrive late for class will not be admitted.
3) Please ensure your child is prepared to begin class upon arrival. Also, please refrain from sending a child with any illness to class. If a child complains of illness, a parent will be contacted to pick-up the child.
4) We ask that children do not bring food, drink, or gum into the Center. Children should not bring toys to class unless instructed to do so by their teacher.
5) Children may not leave the classroom during instruction and may only be excused early from class when a parent arrives to sign them out at the Center Office.
6) The Center Office closes 15 minutes after the end of classes and children must be collected during that time. All children are required to leave the Center with their parent or guardian unless otherwise prearranged.
7) Any disruptive, unruly or bullying behavior will result in the dismissal of the child from Religious Instruction. The parents will be notified prior to dismissal both verbally and in writing, and be given the necessary books for home instruction. Any damage to Center equipment or property by children will be pursued through legal means as would the possession of alcohol, drugs, weapons, or items used as weapons.
8) The Diocese of Austin Family Prayer Book, provided at initial registration, contains valuable information for the faith formation of the children. We ask that you please read through it carefully and assist your children in mastering the grade appropriate prayers and teachings. We ask that you also review all class work and homework.
9) The Religious Education Center not only encourages parents to participate in their child's religious formation but also depends upon that participation, requiring 6 hours of volunteer work and/or formation classes per family each year. In May, each family will be asked to contribute $8 for each unfulfilled volunteer hour (subject to change). The volunteer logbook is kept in the entrance of the Religious Education Center. You are responsible for recording your hours. At the end of April, the volunteer coordinator will total the hours entered. Any outstanding hours will be billed at the cost of $8 per hour (subject to change).
While the above rules will be enforced, we are aware that your children bring with them the very presence of Jesus Christ and it is our honor to be able to impart to them, along with you the parents, the great privilege we have in being His sons and daughters. So we shall try together, to create in the Center a place of holiness, joy, and a thirst for knowledge.
Monitor the Parish Weekly Bulletin and this website for information on registration and the start of classes for the new school year: usually Aug./Sep. (See below.)
For Questions and/or detailed information on Registration or the CCD Program, please contact the Director of Religious Education, Michael Candelas at 254-237-5918 or [email protected] or the Parish Secretary, Debbie, at [email protected] / 254-698-4110.
For Questions on the RCIA program, please contact Deacon Al Ponce at [email protected], or the Parish Secretary.
For Questions on the Adult Faith Formation/Movie Ministry program, please contact Deacon Al Ponce at 681-8675, or the Parish Secretary.