Charles Howard - Primary Phone No. 254.634.3541
Parish MSC Lay Associates at their Commitment Ceremony
Aim of the MSC Society. There are many among the laity who are moved by divine grace towards greater perfection and are keen to defend the Church; at the same time they want to remain in the world. They would be helped to attain this twofold aim most effectively if they were to form a close society whose bond would be love of the Heart of Christ.” (Constitutiones MSC 1877, Chap. II, 8-9; Cf. Formula Instituti I, n. 4f.) / (Jules Chevalier Daily Readings, Selected by J. Bovenmars, MSC, Casa Generalizia, Missionari del Sacro Cuore, Roma 1993, pg. 40)
The above letter by Fr. Jules Chevalier,who founded the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Issoudun, France, 1854, initiated what has become today's MSC Lay Associates. Fr. Richard, MSC, our Pastor, opened the organization in the parish shortly after his appointment here in Harker Heights.
(Pictured: Fr. Chevalier)
Meetings of the Association are open to all parishioners. For more information, please contact the MSC Coordinator: Charles Howard (254-634-3541).
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